
If you have any questions and concerns please feel free to call me at the school 250-562-9525, you may also email me at , you can contact me through the Remind App, or fill in your information below. The instructions for remind are below.

Remind is a free service that allows you to get messages directly on your phone.  Joining my class on Remind is easy. You can choose whether you prefer text messages or smartphone notifications.
Signing up for text messages:

  1. Text my class code @msfillion to 250-999-0408
  2. Reply to the text messages from the Remind team.

Sign up for smartphone notifications:

  1. Download the Remind app on your Android or iOS device
  2. Open the app and create an account (or log in if you already have one).
  3. Tap the + by classes joined and enter my class code @msfillion

That’s all you need to do to start receiving messages! A few other things you might like to know: our personal contact information will not be visible on Remind. All of our messages will be recorded in communication logs that you can access and download.